Our Bichon Pups

Bichon Frise pups are among the most adorable things to grace this Earth. They are playful, rambunctious, and always ready to settle into the nook alongside you as a lapside cuddle buddy.


Bichons embody all the best features one would want from a dog. They are incredibly alert toward perceived danger but are equally renown for their gentle bedside manor and ability to interact with all other breed types.


You can’t find a better lap dog than these little ones. They’ve been the best bedside companion of any dog breed for ages. Thought to bring about good luck, Bichons have, if nothing else, brought immeasurable amounts of happiness to owners looking for a snuggle buddy to accompany alongside as you settle in for your favorite Netflix series.


Bichons refuse to be bullied by bigger breeds, however, they also are among the most well mannered when it comes to interacting with other dogs and animals. Our pups are especially tolerant as they are used to being buddied up with their Labrador neighbors.